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In Sep 2018, Master Kieron Chua QiYong helped Mdm Liu’s family audit and rejuvenate their house Fengshui with much positive Chi. Shortly after the improved house Fengshui, the Mdm Liu conceived their long awaited son (they already have a 6 years old daughter then), and they have also consulted Master Kieron Chua on their son’s birth date and time (Cesarean delivery date) and auspicious name selection. After one year, they visited Master Kieron Chua with their newly born baby boy and to understand more on the baby’s new name. Master Kieron Chua is so delighted to see the mum and baby boy both healthy and happy. With precise application of Fengshui methodologies and Chinese astrology, Master Kieron Chua has helped make the dream of Mdm Liu’s family come true.

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